One House Not Divided

One House The Church [ City ]  or [ cities ]  manY NOnprofitS houses churches

Many Houses ToGether The City or manY cities  nonprofit different opinions

1 Kings 18 View Chapter note V:18 KJV

 Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? If The LORD be God, Follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word

ReMember  Who Is About His Business !


Jesus The Head of The Body He is About The Fathers Business Yea or Nay ? 

Define in Scripture : [ business ] and yoU tell mE should wE Follow The Shepherd or manY with different opinions ?. Now You Tell mE if yE can The House of God or many different nonprofit houses with different Opinions ! ( no-profit manY manmade )churches ( cities ) houses and things made with mans hands – alters -steps -images on screens showing their works.. Not Giving All The Fame To The Father and The Son   ( Why )  [ ! ? Y ] — whY— yoU—Tell mE if yoU  Can !

One Body  or  manY parted

Jesus The Head  [ Profit ] or [ non-profit ]  churches man-Y divided

The Multitude Under The Head or manY Bodies ( partS ) of the separated

2 Samuel  View Chapter  KJV

From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back, and The Sword of Saul returned not empty

Who Said  If

if a kingdom be divided against itself that kingdom cannot stand if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

mYnote reMembered…Be Joined ToGether One Body

Never Separate  Children’s Church Eat The Bread ToGether

ate (8) years are 120 years Hear The Child of God

Tell If yE Can How Old is a Child of God [ To Day ] if you will H(ear) K(now) with the ear in your Heart !

And when all the people saw It, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, He is The God; The LORD, He is the God

If yE have a Question Ask (IF) The Answer Tell !

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