HoSea ISaiah OSee OLive Tree

HoSea ( stop sea ) Listen 

Hear  Only One listen in ( I Saiah 49 ) sea ( Romans 9 ) OSee

Note  A  stumblingStoneNote… shAll not Be ashamed

O See I-Saiah

mYNote:  HoSea ( stop sea ) of People then hear 

 Sure In


No rapture. See : Feel

Only One OSee and Know The OLive Tree

Hear :  ISaiah Seek and Define: OSee note The OLive Tree


Note 1 Kings 18:44

There aRiseeth a little cloud out of the sea  like a man’s hand

Hear  View Chapter  KJV

Note V:39  When All the people Saw V:41 Hear the sound

Note V:24 It Is Well Spoken  note who was of two opinionS mYnote Follow The One or manY ? Note V:31-34 12 Stones and 12 barrels of water Hear two measureS of Seed

Note V;36 It Be Know this Day  Note V:43  Go Again Seven Times  Look toward the Sea

Sea and H(ear) with 20/20 note Job 20:20 Job Knew hear Proverbs 20/20 whoso

  Note 1 Kings 19 aRise and Eat ! 

More Key Words…..Check…..Back Soon….!

mYnote Particular

Jesus    above All

 The OLive Tree note manY names for me( HoSea ) !?Y

Isles an Island  single (men) and (manY) surrounded sea of people

Cities manY men houses ( nonProfit churches )  be not  gypt   ( EGypt )

Nations manY cities and men houses unevenly Yoked  ( NOnProfit ) !?Y

Mariners note [ Jonah 1:5 ] To Lighten It ( !?Y )

man of war and WarshipS manY men on sea 

Sea and Sea of people manY people crowded moving back and forth wavY  ( unstable tempest ) reMember Who Walked On the Water and Who Stilled !

Sand note the number  ( as the sand of the sea )

Fish to the Fishermen



Swine : eats But no Feedback- takes in but gives not back- sets in pew

Trees reMember Ass Trees no Obscurity [ Mark 8:24 ] And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking remember who looked toward the sea [1 Kings 18:43]




Fell-Fellow Brother

Flesh as grass note What is as the Flower (Fellow Brother)

remnant : note [ 2 Kings ] take root downward, and bear fruit upward

ServAntS  manY more names In Scripture reMember rapTure  Not Found !

Back Soon how manY can yoU Name ( !?Y )


 One Temple One Body One Head True Bread The Sword….. Know Be (read)Y 

 Free WOman – Husbandry New JerUSAlem ( The Mother of Us All ) AdOption The Children – Brotheren and Sister  in the Family  Fellow LabOURers Pilgrims   His peculiar TreaSure – an HOLY Nation  — A PecUiar people True WorshipperS

John 4:23

 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: for The Father seeketh such to worship Him

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