If yE Assemble with a Nonprofit named church You will be ASSembling with a church of nonprofit manmade steps and alters Betrayed Their Name they are Non-Profit !

Only One  Receives ALL The Fame 


 Jeremiah 7

Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit.

   If yE are a nonprofit church of God nonprofit church of Christ a nonprofit Baptist church a nonprofit house of prayer or any nonprofit catholic church come out from among them reMember  One Body ( The Church ) yoU can not serve two  let the Halve not’s keep their non-profit money  click on Fame

What IS In The Name

If nonprofit is in the name should hope of profit be expected  Can anything that is a nonprofit ever profit !

 Isaiah 66  KJV

When and If yE advertise… TV. Radio  NoNews… their paper

What Name Do You Advertise…. The Name   or   their manmade names ?

Deut. 32:3  Parallel View  KJV

Because I will publish The Name of The LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God

If yE have a Question Ask (IF) The Answer Tell !

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