Eat The First To See The Last

Be ReadY and  Hear


Sea In The Beginning !

Read with ear hEar So shall thy seed be V:5 now be SpreadY and Be ( Live ) 

SpiritUallY and carnally : BeLieve  The Old Testament. To Eat and Drink The New ! Hear and See It Speak all about what and Who is Coming and The One that Will OverCome ( Jesus ) [ !?Y ]

Genesis 15 View Chapter V:KJV

 And he believed in The LORD and He counted It to him for righteousness

Genesis 17  View Chapter  V:13

How long is ForEver !

Hear Know Now in the Heart and everlasting  

mYnote one day as a year ( 8 ) SpiritUallY in the Heart 

He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant

James  View Chapter 2:23   KJV

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God


K(now) now Be Born of The Free woMan never Buy The Freely Given Word 


Hearken – Hear Clearly – circumcised In The Heart Hear With three of yOUR ears ! 

The Heir or Hire manY (!?Y)

ChoIce : menU

menUS ChoIce

Heir   or   Hire

Follow The Heir  or  Hire for Services

In The Service Be With The One [  Engaged ]   or  To engage in hire [ harLots ] for the services

Ezekiel 16 View Chapter  note  V:40-41  KJV

They shall also bring up a company against thee, and they shall stone thee with stones, and thrust thee through with their swords And they shall burn thine houses with fire, and execute judgments upon thee in the sight of many women: and I will cause thee to cease from playing the harlot, and thou also shalt give no hire any more

The B(read) On The Table

Eat The Bread

Jeremiah 15

Have Some Crumbs

Young or Old yOUR a Child Hear  even the dog eats The Crumbs

The Children eat The Bread even when thy are 120 years of age ( young or old ) !

reMember man will separate  younger children from older children… in their churches ( cities ) feeding them pew and calling it children’s church not feeding all ToGether ! reMember in a manmade church ( nonprofit ) not even a crumb for the Dog

Hear Crumbs ( !?Y )

Matthew 15  View Chapter  KJV

How much Do yoU Have ! Fed and Be Feed spread The Bread !

Eat The First To See The Last


B(read) Test(Amen)t Table

Hear The Bread now Read 

washed hands

Take ThIs and Divide ( It ) among yOURselves

On The Table : [ TestAment ] reMember Give Thanks [ Amen ] new testament

Note Luke 22:17 And He took The Cup, and Gave Thanks, and said, Take this, and divide It among yourselves

Note New TestAment !

Luke 22 View Chapter  KJV

Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This Cup is The New Testament in My Blood, which is shed for yoU. But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth Me is with Me on The Table.

Hear The Sword and Fire !

mYnote Eat The Bread and Drink The ( New Testament )

John 4 View Chapter KJV

note : [ The Well and Living Water ] note John 4:10-14

Heard !   rejoice TOGether

Hear :  Now is ( The True Worshippers ) V:23 note [ But and When ]

mYnote Do It Then See

So the father knew that It was at the same hour, in the which Jesus said unto him, Thy son Liveth: and himself believed and his Whole House



Menus ChoIce [ Spiritually ]

mynote Post

SpirAble : SpirItuAllY

 [ His Flesh ]    [ Pricks ]    [ foreSkin ]    [ Head ]    [ Heart ]

  • His Flesh [ The Veil ]  ( Spiritually and carnally ) covers [Y]our nakedness
  • pricks [ goads / Disciples ] Moves the sheep forward (feed)s Hear I Saiah ( 8 )
  • foreskin [ Covered/unCovered ] Hear and Sea with the ear in (Y)our Heart The Way Free and Give [ circumcised ]  ( Spiritually ) Covered By His Flesh and born of The Free WOman or [ uncircumcised ] Buy the world view and sell their ways ( carnally )  captive, prisoner, ( bound Buy the other woMAN ) world flesh
  • Head [ The Head or another ] reMember Who Is ( The Head of the body ) Jesus
  • Heart [ Hear/ear ] Hear all of I Saiah view All ears in The Book [ The Bread ] [ The Sword ] ( One Crumb ) The Bible. Remember John  21:25 note [ if ] they should be written every one reMember [ Crumbs from The Masters Table ]                                                Matthew 15:27

mYnote : The Bible

The Bible One Crumb from The Bread ( Jesus ) reMember John 21:25

Hear all Isaiah View  all Chapters KJV Sea and Heart

JesUs / menus : Spiritually/carnAlly

  • [ Clothe ] search at the top menu ( click on Be (Read)-Y ) read  all scriptures
  • [ HeBrews ] note He Brews It Hot….Hebrews 10:21 [ Veil ] note Who Is
  • [ Bread ]
  • [ Sword ]
  • [ Heard ]
  • [ JesUs ]
  • [ The Word ]
  • [ ChoIce Hot [ or ] Cold  [ But ] never be  [ lukewarm ]
  • [ reMember ]
  • [ ToGether ]
  • [ adOption ]
  • [ Profit ]
  • [ NOnprofit ]
  • [ K(now) ] – [ Sure] and Know rapture not Found in Scripture
  • [ See ] in their names ( Pharisees and Sadducees ) [ a rise ] [ see ] [ sad ] [ Jesus ] said He would ( Arise ) said [ If ] hear see put [ It ] in their Names but their eyes where covered so they could not See at that Time [ Now ] be [ Not ] Sad [ OverCome ] and come and See H(ear) Cl(ear)ly no more [ ObsU(It)y ] !
  • [ SaddUcees ]
  • [ phari(see)s ]
  • [ GoLiath ] reMember Who named goliath and goliath lie Dead The Stone and Fire
  • [ Arise ] [ Rise ] [ See ]and [ SeaSon ] Who Is SeaSoned click links ⇑  StONE  
  • [ Sad ] K(now) ( Y ) why Jesus wept maYbe because it was in their name and He was sad that theY did not rise and see ( Because Of Their Un-Belief ) Now be Not sad [ But ] – [ BeLieve ] [ Live ] [ yOUR ] [ stoned ] Now [ Part ] of [ The Pillar ]

1 Timothy 3:15

 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in The house of God, which is The church of The living God, The pillar and ground of The Truth

  • [ The House of God ] give the address [ If ] yE know Now ! ! ! [ New JerUSAlem ]
  • [ The Head ] Jesus [ Given ] The Word and Head of The Body
  • [ New Jerusalem ] note The Mother of US All
  • [ HonOUR ] note Father and Mother Hear The Son
  • * Father and Mother * ToGether ReMember man will separate the Days
  • [ The Church of The Living God ]… tell the address To Day if yE can. [ Follow ] The Way Given from One Shepherd. now Believe and Know you Now Can
  • [ Christ ] Anointed
  • [ The Congregation ]
  • [ Given Freely ] received freely then Give for Free
  • [ True Riches ]  real profit with Fruit( is-real ) [ IsRael(i) ]  the vine and adoption
  • [ Difference ] with Jesus Christ { oppo(site) } antiChrist against The Anointed
  • [ Tal(lent)s all are lent and Given from The Father money manmade images  

Tallents : The Difference Lent    from rent   SpirItUalland  CarnAlly

  • [ Rent ] and manmade in Scripture Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23 Seen Through
  • money ] for Hire and rent different from HONEY The One Shepherd John 10
  • [ lucre ] Nonprofit ( worldly gain ) mammon ( not serving God ) opposite of give
  • [ mammon ] ( want – creation )served the creature( opposite )of [ God ] and Love
  • [ want ] someThing’s man  say [ Buy ] have yoU ever read God say He Wants !
  • [ Buy ] the opposite of [ Give ] man says Buy my words about The Freely Given
  • [ 50% to 70% of The Truth ] never Buy. Know [ shall ] All reCeive [ Free ]
  • [ went to Buy ]  note  all that left Jesus and went to Buy Remember they did not see.. [ The Miracles ] note [ Wise Virgins ] they had Full Vessels no need to Buy
  • [ manmade ] NO Profit ( nonprofit churches ) [ cities ] [ made with hands ]
  • [ images ] [ i-do-later ] ( idolater ) works of man by hands for manmade ( $elling )
  • [ idols ] money with images of manmade graved Buy man for hire ( hireling ) sold
  • [ rapTure ] something some men feel when they should K(now) The Foundation
  • [ Feeling ] the difference [ Sure ] feeling-opposite of sure Foundation [ Knowing ] 
  • [ The ReSURrEction ] the difference  [ rapture ]  Not Found in Scripture (Sea) ?

Micah 3:11

 The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the LORD, and say, Is not the LORD among us? none evil can come upon us

  click on some links   Spir(IT)-U-aLL-y Page

Seek and Find copy and paste put in Search Box

Go to top menU click on Be (Read)-y and deFind all Key Words 

The Battle(men)t or antHer !

Notes for Now !

OverCome be READy and read  ( A lot )  Be back Soon !

Hear and   View Chapter  KJV

When thou buildest a new house, then thou shalt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thine house, if any man fall from thence

Note   The House…… Not manmade   

reMember : rePent  The Tent be born again  New creature The House that yoU are and Who Is The Battlement and The Head of

note two chapters   one answer

⇑   The One        or          aNother  

 Note →  View Chapter  Hear : See, see and Seeketh 

Go ye up upon her wallS, and destroy; but make not a full end: take away her battlements; for they are not  The LORD’S

SpirItUallY    or    CarnallY

which deFines yoU !

  • Sure or rapture
  • Trust In The ReSURrEction or mans feelingS ( rapture )
  • part of The House or NOnprofit manmade buildingS
  • Romans 2 and Acts 7:51 circumcised in Heart and Ears or No
  • New Creature or the creature Gal.6:15 or Romans 1:25
  • 1 Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

  • Baptized  by The Spirit [ One ] or [ manY ] Buy and drinking from many spirit(S)
  • The Sure Foundation or sandy ( mire Marshy pond )
  • ReadY and Sp(read)y or swine in a pound No FeedBack are SabBath